Sunday, January 29, 2017

A Lover of Balmy Weather - Banyuwangi Agrotourism

Source : Tourdeijen

Banyuwangi not only has Kawah Ijen, Plengkung beach and Pulau Merah as its famous tourism attractions. 
For you  the nature lovers and persons who enjoy the cool air without pollution, Banyuwangi presents you an agrotourism which will give you a shooting and pleasant feeling.

Located in the area of PT. Kalibendo Glagah Plantation,it’s not only presenting the nature beauty and the greenish expanse that comes from the shady trees, but also if you visit Kalibendo Agrotourism You can feel :

  • The sensation of Robusta coffee with the world’s best quality and,if you are a fan of Civet coffee, you can enjoy this Civet coffee (known as Luwakcoffee) with being accompanied by the real civets directly. Other than that, you will  learn about processing of high quality coffee bean,learn how to produce the coffee taste and aroma that is tasty. 

  • At Kalibendo Agrotourism, you will be taught how to extract latex from rubber tree. As we know, latex is a staple of some industrial productions from automotive until furniture industry and home appliances. Kalibendo Agrotourism is not only presenting the nature beauty but also giving us beneficial education. 

Kalibendo Agrotourism is ideal to be visited with family and relatives. Here you will feel the peace and togetherness that will never be forgotten.

Source :
Kalbendo Waterfall

Still in the area of Kalibendo Agrotourism,  you will be gifted by a beautiful view of waterfall. This is an opportunity to feel the natural balmy weather that willenhance your pleasure in enjoying the natural beauty of Indonesia. Before reaching the waterfall area, you will be presented by scenery of a clear water river with its fairly swift stream.The end of this river is Kalibendo waterfall with a height of about 10 meters. This all is in a mesmerizing and natural state. Aren’t you curious? Please visit to this place.
 (Picture Source :

A bit of information from Kalibendo Agrotourism area, there are 3 guard posts and also shelters as the resting placewhich will be passed by the tourists during their visit to this place.
At the first post, tourists will find a place called Robusta cottage which can be reached by mountain bikes. In this first post, you can taste the pleasure of the best Robusta coffee directly. Also, you can taste a variety of delicious snacks such as pie bowsprit, fried cassava and fried bananas, the rustic-style snacks.

The tripis continued  to the second post. In this post, there is a display of some rubber varieties which areextracted directly in Kalibendo plantation. This post is a bamboo house. What become it is unique is all the buildings made of bamboo, from the wall, the roof and even the toilet is clean and natural, such a villager life.

Another unique thing from the first and the second post is, when you get here you will be greeted by a Red Carpet, but its color is not red but yellow. This Red Carpet but has yellow color is not made fromthe carpet material in general, but it is made from the skins of coffee which have been separated from the beans. Besides that, here you willwalk on a path thenclimb down toa clean and clear river. You can take a bath here or just enjoy a hotcoffee with rustic-style snacks, or you can just eat a hot boiled noodlethat is plenty available at the river edge.

Feel satisfied in enjoying the nature around the river from the first and second post, you must continue the trip through the drawbridge and climb up the cliffs. The last post isa Kalibendo field that is located close to the office and factory of PT. Kalibendo plantation. Here you will be offered by a view of beautiful flower garden like in Bogor, West Java.
Cycling, relaxing on the river edge while enjoying Robusta coffee and rustic-style delicacies, then feeling of the balmy of the plantation, the countryside that is still very beautiful and clean, is the right time for you and your beloved family. Not only relaxing here, you can also give an education for the children and family about a comfort and tranquility, and the conservation of nature.

freshness of nature

Kalibendo Agrotourismarea is indeed suitable for those of you who crave for the freshness of nature and friendly along with knowing more about a life in the countryside. Balmy air and warm greetings will hit you as you enter this tourism area.
Kalibendo Agrotourismis also so fitted for photographers, since this area has many of magnificent spots. You can do a photo shoot here that will help you in adding your photo collection.

To reach this Kalibendo Agrotourism are is not that hard, you can directly use the private vehicle from Banyuwangi city with a distance of only 20 kilometers at southwest, if reached by car,it only takes approximately 45 minutes.

The route is: From Banyuwangi City Center you have to get to Glagah sub-district. From there you have to take the westlane until you reach the Barong Statue, in Banjarsari village. After that, go straight until you pass Kemiren village and Banjarsari village. In the end you will arrive in KampungAnyar village and here, you will find a direction board to go to Kalibendo Agrotourism area.
This area with its natural balmybecomes a place that you must visit with your family. Enjoying the freshness of nature and wrapped with soothing air makes your mind fresh again after the many activities that you had in your life.
Now set your holiday plan and create the most wonderful moment in your trip in Kalibendo Agrotourism. With admission only Rp. 5.000,- you have been able to capture the moment of your trip as many as you want.

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Sunday, January 22, 2017

The Tiny Tukik(Baby Sea Turtles) in Sukamade Beach

Have you heard about Sukamade beach before? This beach in Meru Betiri National Park is better known as a heaven for flora and fauna due the fact that Meru Betiri National Park is a conservation area of sea turtles. This place is familiar with the name: Pantai Penyu Sukamade (Sukamade Sea Turtle Beach). Here will be found many turtles nesting from the species of giant sea turtle, one of species that has been endangered. But in Sukamade Beach, tourists can directly see the sea turtles laying its eggs. What a rare experience and it will be a wonderful memory when you visit Sukamade Beach. Other than that, you can do some activities such as releasing the hatchlings (baby sea turtles) to the sea. It’s amazing, isn’t it?

Sourcce : Kelilingnusantara

The location of Sukamade Beach is a triangle of diamond. It becomes the main tourist destination when they come to Banyuwangialong with Plengkung Beach and Kawah Ijen. The reason is if we pull a straight line from these three places, it will form a triangle. Thus, Plengkung Beach, KawahIjen, and Sukamade Beach are often dubbed as the diamond triangle.

Sukamade Beach was first discovered by the Dutch colonial in 1927. It was a protected forest in East Java and also a conservation area of sea turtles. In addition, there are many plantations of rubber, coffee and cacao around the Sukamade Beach.

Sukamade Sea Turtle Beach is located in Sarongan village, Pasanggaran subdistrict, Banyuwangi district. Its location is in Meru Betiri National Park area, near with Rajegwesi Beach and TelukHijau(Green Bay) Beach. A one way of these three places allows you who through the road to go to Sukamade Beach. It is so unfortunate if you don’t see the baby sea turtles’attractiveness and cuteness in Sukamade Beach. It’s only 15 kilometers afar fromTelukHijau (Green Bay) Beach.

Image : Nesting
Sukamade Sea Turtle Beach is the largest habitat of sea turtles in Indonesia. This beach is a location of sea turtles nesting and hatching its eggs and releasing it to the Pacific and Indian Ocean.Sukamade Sea Turtle Beach is a favorite place for sea turtles to nest due its isolated location. But it makes the sea turtles are safe from disruptions and their habitat is maintained. This condition invites the giant turtles in the ocean fornesting and hatching their eggs there.

For those of you who have never been to Sukamade Sea Turtle Beach, there is a special schedule where these sea turtles lay their eggs.Basically, the sea turtle nesting season occurs throughout the year. 

Since each sea turtle will nestits eggs up to 6 times a year with intervals of nesting periodduring 12-14 days. However, at certain seasons usually for 2-5 months a year there will be an increase in the eggs productivity. In Sukamade Beach, it occurs in the dry season from June to October, which is marked with the number of sea turtles that come to the seashore. Sea turtles that come to Sukamade Beach can reach dozens of sea turtles, starting from the afternoon or after nightfall until the dawn.
In Sukamade Beach, there are 4 types of nesting sea turtles. They are :  

  • Green Sea Turtle, 
  • Hawksbill Sea Turtle, 
  • Gray Sea Turtle and 
  • Leatherback Sea Turtle. 
However, from the four species of those sea turtles, the most frequently encountered here is the Green Sea Turtle.

when you already arrived at the turtle area beach , there are some rule that must be  obey as you can see on the picure below.
Here you can also do the ritual of releasing the hatchlings or the baby sea turtles to the sea. It will be a tour which educates us, by maintaining and preserving the sea turtles in the ocean. It really will be a valuable experience for you and your beloved family.

How to get to Sukamade Beach?

To reach SukamadeBeach, there are many routes that can be taken, either via Situbondo, Jember, Surabaya and Malang. 

Source : icukwijayadi.wordpress.
By using public transportation to Sarongan village, starting from this village you should use the type of off-road vehicles because the trackin this area is quite extreme with the rocks and streams around. 
Therefore, on the way to Sukamade is worth because you will feel comfort after you go through the quite tiring journey. But this would be an attraction for tourists, because besides the natural beauty during on the way to Sukamade Beach, when arrived, you will be treated by a spectacular scenery, then your fatigue during the trip will be paid off when you arrived in Sukamade Beach.

From any direction you are from, you have to transit in Jajag subdistrict. This subdistrict is the main transit point to go to Sukamade Beach. Next route is :


From Jajag Bus Station to Pesanggaran, the only one available is public transportation that operates from 07.00 am until 04.00 pm. 
From Pesanggaran Bus Station to Sarongan, you can use angkot (such as a public transport), with cost only Rp. 10.000,-. This angkot will stop to Sarongan. 
From here you will find many off-road vehiclerentals to go toSukamade Beach.
Indeed, if you use public transport, it will be a lot of changing transports. It’s more comfortable and secure if you drive your own vehicle to the Sarongan village, but after that you have to rent an off-road vehicle, as it’s said before, the track is quite extreme with rocks and streams around, so it is advisable to rent an off-road vehicle.

The rental rates for off-road vehicles starting from Rp. 100.000,- per person that is included a guide who will take you into a journey that will never be forgotten.

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Saturday, January 21, 2017

The Blue Dance of Kawah Ijen (Ijen Crater)

The Blue Dance of Kawah Ijen (Ijen Crater)

Source : Google Image
The only one place in Indonesia that presents unique crater of a volcano is Kawah Ijen. From here you will be served by an amazing view of the dancing flames from the crater whose color is blue, or better known as the Blue Fire. Kawah Ijen saves a million of gracefully natural charm and it will make you wonderstruck by its beauty.
For those of you who have never visited or directly seen the elegance of these blue dancing flames, this following article probably will provoke and raise your intention to immediately go to visit Kawah Ijen.

Gunung Ijen View
The first uniqueness of Kawah Ijen is the crater is from the most acidic mountain in the world that has caldera wall up to 500 meters with its area reaches over 5,000 hectares. Meanwhile its crater is more than 20 kilometers and it has a depth of approximately 300 meters below the caldera wall.

This comely crater has been known to the world since 1971, it began with the arrival of a French journalist who wrote about the charm and beauty of Kawah Ijen, the inimitable ambience in the world, along with an article about the hard struggles of the sulfur miners. And now a days, it is the main attraction for tourists, journalists and photographers.

Not only that, KawahIjen’s natural beauty is not in doubt. The magnificence feeling that comes from seeing the natural charm when the sun rises is a moment that will bring you float off in the romance of nature. And when you are up there, it means that you are witnessing one of the natural beauties that only 2 in the world, one of them is in Indonesia,and it is only in Banyuwangi. People there are always grateful for the God’s gift that gives them an abundance of natural beauty.
Sunrise in Kawah Ijen
Courtesy by Google
Imagine when the sun rises and it illuminates the crater then the light will be reflected and formed turquoise sparklesfrom its surface, and the charm was enhanced by the cool breeze in the morning. 

You can see picture on the left side to describe the beauty of sunrise

Kawah Ijen can be enjoyed from early morning precisely at 3:00 am, because at this time you will catch astounding scenery which is from the sulfur liquidthat flows endlessly, and then it raises the blue flames. This is the charm of blue dance of KawahIjen, or well-known as Blue fire.

In addition, around KawahIjen precisely at the southeast side, there is an awesome solfatara , and at the west side there is a water dam that becomes the head ater of the river Kalipait, it is a place that needs to be captured to your happy moments.This dam is a concrete building since the Dutch East Indies government, you can imagine how big the history that were abandoned. This dam was built with the aim to regulate the water level in order to prevent the acid flooding.

The crater of Mount Ijen which is still active with the altitude reaches 2,443 MASL (meters above sea level),from the top of it we can enjoy the natural scenery and also the views some mountains such as Mount Raung,Mount Merapi,Mount Suket and more. Also, with the softness of the morning sun you will feel in peace and dissolved intoits beauty.
KawahIjen which is on top of Mount Ijen is located at the border between Banyuwangi district and Bondowoso district. (You can see on the map below for ijen location)

Source : Local goverment

  •  .       using rail transport service, you should get off at Karangasem station then continued to Licin sub-district and Banyusari villageby using public transport either ojek or other local transportation. After that, from Banyusari you have to go to Banyuwangi city bus station and then followed by going to Paltuding, since the main gate of Kawah Ijen is there.
  •  .        If you use a personal transport, you can use many alternative routes that are provided. If you are from Bondowoso, you have to go to Wonosari then go to Tapen, from Tapen continue to Sempol, in Sempol you can go directly to Paltuding.

From the main gate you can walk as far as 3 kilometers, in the first 1 kilometer you will be faced by steep track with a slope between 25-35 degrees and you will arrive at PosBunder (a climbing post that is unique because its shape is round). After pass the post, the track has been more sloping with a view of surrounding mountain range that you can enjoy during the climbing.


Since this trip is generally done in the early morning or at 02.00 am, so for those of you who need place to sleep in Paltuding, there are many comfortable accommodations with a very affordable price. It starts from Rp. 50.000,- to Rp. 200.000,- and also there are many places that sell your climbing needs.

Banyuwangi local governmentis now being intensively in holding some events related to KawahIjen tour,there are Tour de Banyuwangi Ijen, Banyuwangi’sIjen Jazz and many more. 

KawahIjen is the creator’smasterpiece for us to enjoy and preserve. Many say that traveling to KawahIjen will make us learning a lot about gratitude, it is because the view from the sulfur miners who look so persistent when carryingthe sulfur which as we know it is not easy. However, whatever it is, traveling to KawahIjen is a thing that you must-to-do to enjoy a scenery that only exist in 2 places in the world, one of them is in Indonesia, exactly in Banyuwangi. You know, it is too far to go to Iceland, another place that has the Blue Fire.

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Beautiful Sparkle in Pulau Merah / Red Island Banyuwangi

Pulau Merah / Red Island
Source by

Source : Indonesia Travel
One of these most famous tourist destinations in Banyuwangi offers the beach magnificence and breathtaking nature which is wrapped in aesthetically pleasing white sand and sparkling blue water, which will enhance your pleasure of enjoying the east nature of Java. From here we can enjoy the wide expanse of the ocean and the cool air from the surrounding mountains. Moreover, this has been added to the list of must-see tourist spot.
Pulau Merah is an asset that must be preserved. At this beach, you will be offered by the scenery that will never be forgotten. Pulau Merah, as people call it, a small island located in the beach of Sumber Agung village, Pesanggaran district, Banyuwangi is able to attract not only local and domestic but also foreign tourists. The attractive combination between the crystal clear of sea water and the white sand expanse as far as 3 kilometers add to the beauty of this island.

Source : Google Image
Historically, Pulau Merah is a name taken from some myths and ancient stories, before it becomes like now. Pulau Merah formerly called as "Ringin Pitu" Beach, which means the beach surrounded by seven banyan trees. However, the shift of name and now becoming Pulau Merah is not also without basic. It is said that small island in this beach exudes a reddish glow that is enchanting and captivating. Until now people know it as Pulau Merah.
When the tide is low we can enjoy the beauty of  Pulau Merah only by walking, and when the tide occurs, the beauty of the land and the red rocks there are amazing.
Not only offering magnificence to spoil your eyes. For you the fans of surfing, the waves on the beach located in this Pancer Bay offers an exciting challenge. Besides exercise, plus the cool air from mountain makes you feel like in paradise. And this is the paradise on Pulau Merah Banyuwangi that you will not find in other place.

How to get to Pulau Merah Beach?
There are so many routes that can be used to get to Pulau Merah.
If you are from Jakarta, you can use air transport facilities also overland. From Soekarno Hatta Airport you can go straight to Blimbingsari Airport in Banyuwangi with a range of ticket starts from IDR. 700.000 - 1.200.000,  and can go directly to Pulau Merah with the transportation that can be found at the Airport, it is a rental car complete with a driver. Only with IDR. 50.000 - 100.000, - you can enjoy the beauty of paradise at this edge of Java island.
For admission to enter this Pulau Merah, you only have to pay a contribution of IDR. 10.000,- then you have been able to enjoy and relax in this paradise. It is undeniable that its beauty is able to tempt the tourist. 
Since this area located at the tip of Java is indeed presenting not only the landscape but also visitors can directly interact with water sports, in addition, visitors can enjoy the relaxing throughout the day. The beach with two amazing things: the beauty of the sunrise and sunset.

The natural beauty of Pulau Merah you can enjoy, here are some things you will encounter when you are in Pulau Merah Banyuwangi, such as:

  •      Parking area that is spacious and comfortable since it is protected under the trees, it is also separated between two wheelers and four wheels or more to improve the comfort and security.
  •      The location is clean of trash, so it is very convenient for children.
  •     A large yard with a variety of food and drinks, you can enjoy while relaxing on the beach.
  •      The east side that faces to Pulau Merah has the beautiful scenery and also cool.
  •      The west side is a coastline that stretches more than three kilometers.
  •     Friendly local people around the beach will add to the pleasure of enjoying the nature of Pulau Merah.
  •     Local people’s house which can be rented to spend the night is an exact moment for enjoying sunset, sunrise, moon and stars in the night.
So it's very precise if Pulau Merah becomes an important part when you and your family choose a comfortable wonderful vacation place.

For those of you who do not know the details we will explain the routes and its costs via the following table:

Cost (IDR)
1 hour 30 minutes
1 hour
Coastal Area
30 minutes

For accommodation provided has range from IDR. 50,000 - 250,000, per night, for food and beverages in surrounding area are still same with the prices on the market, so you and your family do not have to worry about the price of a made-up with high prices.
And for those of you who want to surf using surfboards, you no longer need to bother bringing it from home, because here provides the rental surfboards with a relatively affordable price. The rent cost is only IDR. 50.000 - IDR. 100,000 per hour, and you are unimpeded to use it, plus there is special training for those who have not been accustomed to this sport.

That’s all from the article about the beauty of enchantment in Pulau Merah that has been well-known in international. So, what are you waiting for? Plan your vacation as soon as possible and enjoy the beauty of Pulau Merah’s nature, don’t forget to bring wonderful memories from the homely nature of Banyuwangi.

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