Sunday, January 29, 2017

A Lover of Balmy Weather - Banyuwangi Agrotourism

Source : Tourdeijen

Banyuwangi not only has Kawah Ijen, Plengkung beach and Pulau Merah as its famous tourism attractions. 
For you  the nature lovers and persons who enjoy the cool air without pollution, Banyuwangi presents you an agrotourism which will give you a shooting and pleasant feeling.

Located in the area of PT. Kalibendo Glagah Plantation,it’s not only presenting the nature beauty and the greenish expanse that comes from the shady trees, but also if you visit Kalibendo Agrotourism You can feel :

  • The sensation of Robusta coffee with the world’s best quality and,if you are a fan of Civet coffee, you can enjoy this Civet coffee (known as Luwakcoffee) with being accompanied by the real civets directly. Other than that, you will  learn about processing of high quality coffee bean,learn how to produce the coffee taste and aroma that is tasty. 

  • At Kalibendo Agrotourism, you will be taught how to extract latex from rubber tree. As we know, latex is a staple of some industrial productions from automotive until furniture industry and home appliances. Kalibendo Agrotourism is not only presenting the nature beauty but also giving us beneficial education. 

Kalibendo Agrotourism is ideal to be visited with family and relatives. Here you will feel the peace and togetherness that will never be forgotten.

Source :
Kalbendo Waterfall

Still in the area of Kalibendo Agrotourism,  you will be gifted by a beautiful view of waterfall. This is an opportunity to feel the natural balmy weather that willenhance your pleasure in enjoying the natural beauty of Indonesia. Before reaching the waterfall area, you will be presented by scenery of a clear water river with its fairly swift stream.The end of this river is Kalibendo waterfall with a height of about 10 meters. This all is in a mesmerizing and natural state. Aren’t you curious? Please visit to this place.
 (Picture Source :

A bit of information from Kalibendo Agrotourism area, there are 3 guard posts and also shelters as the resting placewhich will be passed by the tourists during their visit to this place.
At the first post, tourists will find a place called Robusta cottage which can be reached by mountain bikes. In this first post, you can taste the pleasure of the best Robusta coffee directly. Also, you can taste a variety of delicious snacks such as pie bowsprit, fried cassava and fried bananas, the rustic-style snacks.

The tripis continued  to the second post. In this post, there is a display of some rubber varieties which areextracted directly in Kalibendo plantation. This post is a bamboo house. What become it is unique is all the buildings made of bamboo, from the wall, the roof and even the toilet is clean and natural, such a villager life.

Another unique thing from the first and the second post is, when you get here you will be greeted by a Red Carpet, but its color is not red but yellow. This Red Carpet but has yellow color is not made fromthe carpet material in general, but it is made from the skins of coffee which have been separated from the beans. Besides that, here you willwalk on a path thenclimb down toa clean and clear river. You can take a bath here or just enjoy a hotcoffee with rustic-style snacks, or you can just eat a hot boiled noodlethat is plenty available at the river edge.

Feel satisfied in enjoying the nature around the river from the first and second post, you must continue the trip through the drawbridge and climb up the cliffs. The last post isa Kalibendo field that is located close to the office and factory of PT. Kalibendo plantation. Here you will be offered by a view of beautiful flower garden like in Bogor, West Java.
Cycling, relaxing on the river edge while enjoying Robusta coffee and rustic-style delicacies, then feeling of the balmy of the plantation, the countryside that is still very beautiful and clean, is the right time for you and your beloved family. Not only relaxing here, you can also give an education for the children and family about a comfort and tranquility, and the conservation of nature.

freshness of nature

Kalibendo Agrotourismarea is indeed suitable for those of you who crave for the freshness of nature and friendly along with knowing more about a life in the countryside. Balmy air and warm greetings will hit you as you enter this tourism area.
Kalibendo Agrotourismis also so fitted for photographers, since this area has many of magnificent spots. You can do a photo shoot here that will help you in adding your photo collection.

To reach this Kalibendo Agrotourism are is not that hard, you can directly use the private vehicle from Banyuwangi city with a distance of only 20 kilometers at southwest, if reached by car,it only takes approximately 45 minutes.

The route is: From Banyuwangi City Center you have to get to Glagah sub-district. From there you have to take the westlane until you reach the Barong Statue, in Banjarsari village. After that, go straight until you pass Kemiren village and Banjarsari village. In the end you will arrive in KampungAnyar village and here, you will find a direction board to go to Kalibendo Agrotourism area.
This area with its natural balmybecomes a place that you must visit with your family. Enjoying the freshness of nature and wrapped with soothing air makes your mind fresh again after the many activities that you had in your life.
Now set your holiday plan and create the most wonderful moment in your trip in Kalibendo Agrotourism. With admission only Rp. 5.000,- you have been able to capture the moment of your trip as many as you want.

Other Article at BANYUWANGI

Other Article at EAST JAVA

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